There are many misconceptions about raw feeding for pets so it’s easy to be confused, and really what should you believe? – What the marketing says?, what your average vets say?, Or even, what some pet owners say?
One of the most common misconceptions around raw feeding your dog or cat is “It’s dangerous because of the parasites, such as e-coli and salmonella etc.”
“It’s dangerous because of the parasites, such as e-coli and salmonella etc.”
This isn’t altogether true. The reality is that livestock raised on grass don’t share the toxic infections of E.coli that intensively farmed livestock do.
Equally, chickens raised naturally contain a lot less salmonella than those chickens industrially farmed.
Back in 2011, scientists published these findings in the journal of “Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases”. Those scientists also concluded that nigh on 40% of the salmonella found in industrial farmed/conventional birds had resistance to at least 6 different antibiotics! Yet, none of the salmonella from organically raised birds showed resistance to antibiotics. (1)
Ultimately the source and quality of your meat will dictate the level of parasites and salmonella.
Both you and your pet will benefit from finding sources of grass fed/grass-raised animals used to produce animal meat. Not only is it a much more humane method of production and better for the environment, but the level of exposure to toxicities for you and your pet dramatically decrease. Make this the source you want to locate for feeding your pet and yourself.
Livestock raised on grass don’t share the toxic infections of E.coli that intensively farmed livestock do.
Chickens raised naturally contain a lot less salmonella than those chickens industrially farmed.
The journal of Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases
However, if you can’t locate grass fed livestock then understand the following…
“Dogs and cats, being carnivores by nature, are meant to eat raw meat and do not have a problem doing so.” Dr. Richard Pitcairn – our premier Veterinary Homeopathic Instructor and founder of Animal Natural Health Center.
This is fully supported by Mother Nature. At no point throughout the whole of evolution has she given animals the ability to cook their own food. Everything about the animal kingdom has been intelligently designed by the mother of all mothers’ herself, for eating raw and to thrive. It’s the human digestive system that hasn’t been designed to eat animal protein raw.
Raw feeding is totally safe for animals – Dogs and cats are naturally able to cope with higher levels of microbial activity in food.
by Dr Nick Thompson
It’s your health you need to be mindful off, but if you’re not eating the meat raw and you’ve got basic kitchen hygiene, such as not re-freezing defrosted products, washing hands after handling the food and thoroughly cleaning your kitchen counter, then this shouldn’t be an issue.
Let’s face it, If you’re handling raw meat for yourself or your family and you’ve not had salmonella poisoning or e-coli, then feeding your pet raw food shouldn’t cause any issue.
If you’re still worried buy our ready made raw foods, all you need to do is open the packet and feed your lovely pet. The benefit for you is, no raw food preparation involved, you know the product is optimally balanced not minimally balanced and we only use quality ingredients.
The reality is, most people and vets alike have an issue with feeding raw because after almost sixty years of TV marketing adverts and misplaced veterinary advice implying that real food is not balanced nutrition and things like raw bones can kill, it takes a lot of thinking through for the average man or woman in the street today, even your average vet, that raw feeding and bones are good for your pet.
Contrary to all the myths around raw feeding, raw food has amazing health benefits for your pet and specifically organic grass fed; naturally raised prey animals as sources of meat are best.
Not only is the overall possible toxicity much lower, grass or green fed meats have increased omega 3 and are also higher in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), higher in vitamin E and several B vitamins and the minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium.
If you’re preparing your own raw food then ultimately, think quality meats and buy meats fit for human consumption not animal consumption. – Yes there is a big difference for both you and your pet.
Also don’t assume that if you’re buying kibble it’s perfectly safe. There have been plenty of kibbles recalled for one thing or another.
We here at Authnetica Pets fully believe that if you know the source of your meat, and you can trust the quality, the likelihood of some level of toxicity is minimal compared to the health benefits your dog or cat will receive from eating a raw food diet.